Online Security: Protecting Yourself from Digital Pirates

Like days of old, today’s digital pirates are after one thing…money. Either money in your accounts, or money gained by using your identity. Unfortunately, every day, these pirates get smarter, as is seen with the recent Equifax security breach, which investigators just announced, has affected an additional 2.5 million Americans, for a total of 145.5 READ MORE

Financial Freedom…Baby Step 2…Revisited

If you have visited my Resource Toolbox, you will know that I strongly recommend Dave Ramsey’s education on financial literacy. Understanding and properly managing finances is important for all people and businesses, but it is especially crucial for small business owners, where the line between personal and business finances can become very blurred. It is READ MORE

Artisan Marketplaces

As I detailed in my post, Best Online Marketplaces for Artisans and Crafters, to be most profitable, artisans and crafters need a unique marketplace to display their wares…one that values the time and materials invested into the handmade item. Many online marketplaces and auction sites, such as eBay, may have a large clientele base, but they READ MORE