I have been doing my own IRS and Idaho self-employment tax preparation since starting Support4Business. As many tax preparation service employees use a similar questionnaire to prepare their clients taxes, I felt I understood my finances better than anyone else could, and did not see the need to pay someone else to prepare my taxes READ MORE
Posts by support4biz
Office Supplies
As any small business owner, we are always looking for ways to save money on the necessities of doing business. We do not mean “cutting corners.” We simply strive to always find the best value for our dollar. Years ago, when I was trying to simply find a more affordable source for office supplies, I READ MORE
Online Banking
We started with ING Direct, before it was bought out by Capital One 360, and it continues to be the best online bank we have have come across. It consistently pays higher interest than our local banking institutions, and has grown to include a number of services, such as mortgages, auto loans, kids accounts, investment READ MORE
Financial Literacy
Want to learn more about financial literacy? How to get out of debt, and save for retirement? As Dave Ramsey says, “Live like no one else now, so later you can live like no one else.” I first used Dave Ramsey’s curriculum while my son was still in high school, and it was life-changing. We READ MORE
Phone, Fax, VOIP & More
RingCentral is amazing! Since the days of dial-up, we have been with RingCentral to catch landline calls while online. And even now that we have high-speed Internet in our rural area (but no cell service yet!), we still rely heavily on the awesome features offered with RingCentral small business cloud-based phone system. And we are READ MORE