First Step to Stay Safe Online – Change That Password!


It’s a new year! Time for resolutions, cleaning out the closets, putting away last year’s files…and changing your online passwords. On your list of of resolutions, make sure foiling Digital Pirates by changing passwords is at the top of the list.

If you are like most people, you use the same password, or a variation of the same password for every online account. And it is likely that you never change that password, unless forced to do so by a website. As we all know, this is not the safest way to do business online, however, we do not take the time to change our passwords.

Security experts recommend changing passwords every 3-6 months, which seems overwhelming for most of us. So, as I discuss in other posts, let’s take baby steps. Let’s setup a “password change” reminder every January.

So, what makes a good password?

A good mixture of letters, numbers and symbols is best for your new passwords. And random is even better. But, we all know random passwords are difficult to remember, or even write down. So, instead of using your child’s name and birth date, make your new password more difficult to crack, but at the same time, something easy to remember. Passwords that are at least 15 characters are more difficult to crack. So, for a good, new password, add some characters for letters, and if you must write down a reminder, use a hint. For example: hint – favorite team; password: ILoveTheP@ckers (for my Wisconsin friends :D)

Want to make things even simpler, and at the same time, more secure? Use a password manager software solution, such as Dashlane. It is a PC Magazine Editor’s Choice, and has some wonderful features, such as:

  • Apps for PC, Mac, Android, iOS.
  • Two-factor authentication.
  • Password strength report.
  • Automated password change.
  • Secure sharing.
  • Password inheritance.
  • Captures online shopping receipts.

No matter what solution you use, keep yourself safe online, and change those passwords right away.

Until next issue…Best wishes in your endeavors!